
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analyzing ads Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analyzing ads - Essay Example The management has however, created counter strategies in their advertisement techniques in order to capture new customers and maintain its old customers in the market. Fowles’ appeal plays a major role in production of these Ads. The Management factor in his 15 appeals to reach out to market efficiently. Jib Flowless is a scholar who suggests that advertising revolve around 15 different appeals (Fowles 8). These include need for sex, affiliation guidance, and nurture, aggressiveness, to achieve and dominate. The rest of the appeals includes the appeals for the need for prominence, attention, autonomy, escape; feel safe, aesthetic, satisfy curiosity and the psychological needs. The Ads focus on flashy faces of the models with white healthy teeth posing with Colgate toothpaste. This is in order to create appeals to potential customers to be interested enough to buy the product. The other focus is the flashy look of the Colgate plastic pack. This is contrary to its competitor wh o uses animals known to have strong teeth like the beaver to advertise their products. Ads analysis The Ad in picture one uses a beautiful woman smiling to help market Colgate. The beautiful woman appeals to the emotion of the potential clients in order to capture their attention to look at the Colgate picture. Her brighten smile appeal for the need of affiliation to the beautiful smile. The smile invokes a memorable picture in the mind of the customer just as the marketing department at Colgate aimed to achieve. The Colgate toothpaste appears on the part of the picture to capture the attention of the reader. The conspicuous size of the toothpaste is to ensure that the name of the product hits the subconscious mind of the consumer. The background in the picture is red with large word in white that say Colgate fights germs. This message is to appeal to the need that ensures the customer feels safe. This emphasis is by the choice of the words and their size triggers conversation among the people looking at the advertisement. The main reason for advertisers to choose the above appeal; was to capture the attention of the potential customers (Biagi 156). The appeals reveal the audience of the Ad was parents and young people in the society. The appeal for the need to feel safe was targeting parents who take extra precautions to ensure that their children are safe from germs. The beautiful smile by the woman in the Ad depicts the audience of the Ad to be young people who like to look stylish and modern. In conclusion, Ad was targeting the elite group in the market. The Ad in picture 2 seeks to market a new brand of Colgate toothpaste. This is evident by the large letters in the name Colgate maxfresh. The name maxifresh appeal to need to achieve freshness in the mouth. These words are special and meant to send a message that the product offers maximum freshness in the mouth. The words â€Å"Unleash a rush of freshness† work to create an emotional appeal to rela te to the product to experience the feeling of freshness. Flashy blue container of Colgate creates interest in the mind of the individuals viewing the Ad to have an interest in the product. The advertisers specifically choose these appeals to ensure that they capture the attention of a larger market pull. The large letters of the product name seek to market the toothpaste among already consumers of other toothpastes products. The Advertisers ensure that the words â€Å"Britam stripes†

Monday, October 28, 2019

Forgivenesses of sins Essay Example for Free

Forgivenesses of sins Essay Pardoners were supposed to issue papal indulgences (forgivenesses of sins) in exchange for alms money, which was to be given to the sick, poor, or another worthy cause. But many pardoners were out-and-out frauds, selling worthless pieces of paper, and even legitimate ones often kept more than their share of the proceeds. This Pardoner is from Rouncivalle, a London hospital well known for the number of illegal pardons connected with it. Most pardoners, like this one, claimed to have come straight from the court of Rome, with a bagful of pardons al hoot off the presses, though of course our Pardoner hasnt set foot outside England. NOTE: Fake pardoners claimed they could do almost anything for the right sum of money, even remove an excommunication. Despite widespread abuses, though, there still were plenty of people gullible enough to believe in a pardoners powers. Theres something suspect in the fact that the Pardoner sings Come hither, love, to me, to the Summoner, who accompanies him in a strong bass voice. Some see more than a hint of sexual perversion in this young man who has thin locks of yellow hair that he wears without a hood because he thinks its the latest style. His small voice and the fact that he has no beard, ne never sholde [would] have, leads Chaucer to suspect he were a gelding or a marea eunuch or effeminate man. NOTE: Scientific opinion of the day believed that thin hair represented poor blood, effeminacy, and deception, while glaring eyes like the Pardoners indicated folly, gluttony, and drunkenness. Chaucers audience would catch the references just as we would instantly see the significance of a villain in a black cape and with a black moustache. As if the description werent bad enough, the Pardoner tricks people into buying phony relics of saints, such as a pillowcase that he says was Our Ladys veil, or a piece of sail allegedly belonging to St. Peter. No wonder he makes more money in a day than the poor Parson does in two months. Ironically, Chaucer calls him a noble eccesiaste, since he can sing a church lesson beautifullyfor money, of course. His tale is right in character: he tells what the pilgrims say they want to hear. He says he bases his sermons on money being the root of all evil (he ought to know). But he admits hes not a moral man, although he can tell a moral tale. In his tale about three rowdies, he ironically delivers a sermon against gluttony and other sins. Afterwards, the Host lights into the Pardoners hypocrisy with such force that the Pardoner is speechless with anger. Chaucer is probably the earliest English poet youre likely to read. A first glance at the original Middle English of the Canterbury Tales, with all those strange-looking words, might be enough to tempt you to slam the book shut, either in disgust or in terror at having to learn it all. But take a closer look and examine some of the words. Youll see that many arent any harder to understand than when some people, trying to be olde-fashioned, write shoppe instead of shop. (Chaucers English is in fact where this idea originated. ) Try to get a dual-language edition of the Canterbury Tales, in which the Middle English original is printed on one side of the page and modern English on the other. When youve gotten some practice reading the original words and checking against the modern English, youll find that the rhythm of Chaucers poetry gets easier to understand. Why is it called Middle English? Simply because its at the midpoint between the ancient language spoken by the Anglo-Saxons of England and the English we speak today. In fact, you might feel grateful that youre reading Chaucer instead of the poetry of some of his fellow fourteenth-century poets, because Chaucers dialectthe Middle English spoken in Londonis the language that evolved into our English, while the dialects the other poets used died out. Imagine trying to read something written in a hillbilly drawl or in a Scottish brogue; standard English, even if its not what we speak all the time, is easier to read. Even if Chaucer had never written a word, it makes sense that the speech of London, the hub of English society, should develop into the standard English that eventually came over on the Mayflower. But Chaucer gave a great boost to the prestige of English, as Shakespeare did later on. Its partly because of Chaucers terrific (though unintentional) public relations job that the poet John Dryden, three hundred years later, called him the father of English literature. There is a robust flavor to Chaucers language that we cant get in a translation, no matter how good it is. You wont be able to get the nuances of all the old words. But after a while youll almost be able to hear the pilgrims chatting away. The opening of the General Prologue bursts with spring, with new life, and shows that Chaucer is both similar to and different from his poetic predecessors. He uses many images of spring that would be familiar to a medievel audience: the April showers (familiar to us too) piercing Marchs dryness, the licour in each plants vein, the breezes inspiring the crops. Its short, but enough of a description to give us a sense of waking up to new and exciting events. Even the birds sleep with open eyes because of the rising sap. Then, instead of moving from the conventional spring setting to a description of courtly romantic or heroic deeds, as his audience might expect, he draws us into a very down-to-earth world. Spring isnt romance; its the time of year when people long to go on pilgrimages. We can all identify with the feeling of spring fever, when we want to travel and shake off the winter doldrums. Whats more, in case we or Chaucers listeners are expecting a conventional medieval description of moral allegorical typesGreed, Love, Fortune, etc. or battles, were in for a shock. Other poets presented characters for moral purposes or to embody ideals such as courtly love. But Chaucer doesnt deal in types, whether religious or courtly, but in portraits of real people. He even ignores the unwritten rule of the time that, if youre describing someone, you start at the top, very orderly, and work down. Chaucer will start with someones beard, then hat, boots, tone of voice, and finally his political opinions! (Thats just a partial description of the Merchant. ) Hes not reporting for a moral purpose, but out of love of life and the people around him. Imagine that youre minding your own business in a wayside tavern and in burst 29 people representing every facet of society. For Chaucer, that meant the nobility, embodied in the Knight and Squire; the church, in the form of the Prioress, Monk, and others; agriculture (the Plowman); and the emerging middle class (the Merchant, Franklin and tradesmen). Rather than shy away from this motley crew, Chaucer the narrator (who is not the same, remember, as Chaucer the poet) befriends and describes them, inserting his own opinions freely.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Windows NT security summary :: essays research papers

Winders NT Security NT was introduced in 1993 and quickly became a popular platform for client-server environments. NT is based on 32-bit architecture so it provides many features like multi-tasking, resource sharing and high availability of resources. NT provides increased security over older operating systems like Windows 9x and UNIX.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  NT has both server and client versions. The client version of NT does not have as many features or capability. The Server version can handle 256 connections while client version can only do one. Global security management functions are not supported by client version either.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  NT gives an administrator the ability to control user accounts and groups. Domains are used to contain machines in groups. This can be used as an administrative tool to control users privileges and access to system resources and data. It can also be useful for updating and stuff like that. One machine in a domain is set as the controlling system and from that machine a security policy can be created and enforced on the entire domain. Backup domain controllers are recommended. Machines on a domain share a user database which allows a user to have a single ID and easily sign on to any machine as long as its in the domain. NT uses the ideal of trusted domains. If a user authenticates to his primary domain, he is free to access any other sub domains as long as that domain trusts the primary domain. (Pass through validation) Domain trusting allows for a user who does not have an ID on a given domain to still gain access to it as long as the user is validated on the primary domain, however, what permissions the user has is dictated by the Admin of the domain he is a guest in. Domains make it easier to control users, machines, and what goes on. It is useful in enforcing policies on groups and restricting the rights of users. Security issues are minimized in remoter applications because there is no need for someone at each site to be in charge of security and policy enforcement. One Admin can group remote sites into their individual domains and provide increased security from his desk. User accounts come in both local and Domain flavors. This means a user can be restricted to using only the local machine or any machine on the domain. NT has a guest account, recommended password protecting it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Moralitys Biological Nature Essay example -- Biology Essays Research

Morality's Biological Nature: Implications for the Attribution of "Good" and "Evil". "A man who has no assured and ever present belief in the existence of a personal God or of a future existence with retribution and reward, can have for his rule of life, as far as I can see, only to follow those impulses and instincts which are the strongest or which seem to him the best ones. . . . If he acts for the good of others, he will receive the approbation of his fellow men and gain the love of those with whom he lives." - Charles Darwin In my last paper "Serial Killers: Just trying to feel normal, it's not my fault" (4) I addressed the question as to whether biology can make us murderers. In my paper I catalogued multiple instances in which biology seems to consistently differ between 'normal' people and individuals who have been dubbed the most immoral, inhuman and evil predators of society. Though I found many biological differences between the normal brain and the murderer's brain, it was not necessarily explained that 'morality' is a common, biologically based aspect of human behavior. The nature of my prior paper was to ascertain whether there is a difference in our brain from that of a killer, but in this paper I explore the biological function of 'morality' and its natural occurrence in the catalogue of human behaviors. Discussing 'morality' as a phenomenon that is inherent in humans will then allow the further exploration of the implications of deviation from this 'norm'. Can these individuals be labeled as 'evil' and be held accountable for their behavior? As the former paper posed implications pertaining to the 'accountability' of a murderer, this paper proposes that these individuals have strayed from the underlying... ...CA/Mail/xmcamail.1997_11.dir/0086.html 3)Brain: The neurobiology of morals. , A small, applicable article. http://www.nature.com/news/1999/991021/full/991021-6.html;jsessionid=DC80A23979EBD5D46DCA819DFA12AC26 4)Serial Killers: Just trying to feel normal, it's not my fault, My last paper. http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro01/web2/Solano.html 5) Origins of Human Mind Revisited, A short article that touched upon some new ideas. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DailyNews/brainyapes980511.html 6) To the objectives for Good Natured., Commentary upon de Waal's book from a college class. http://mlabar.swu.edu/Animal%20Behavior/Comments%20on%20Good%20Natured.htm 7) The Impact of Psychological Research on Christian Beliefs and Practices , A source of challenges, insights and reminders. http://www.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk/cis/jeeves/lecture3.html

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Police in Society Essay

The police department and the police force in general, have the power and duty at all times of the day and night to ensure that the lives of people is protected as well as property (Bayley D, 1979, 109-143). This is done through preventing crime, detect and arrest offenders, preserve the public peace as well as enforce all laws, ordinances and provisions of the administrative code over which the police department has jurisdiction. The crime-control theory suggests that police department develops in reaction to rise in criminal activity (Bayley D, 1979, 109-143). Thus, the structure in metropolis police department should have few levels with a wide span of control. Decision-making should be the task of lower-level personnel (Greene et al, 1992. 183-207). The structure should involve a police Chief, assisted by two deputies, two patrol Lieutenants, two administrative and Investigative Lieutenant, four four-person patrol platoons with a Sergeant and Corporal in each platoon, a Sergeant of Detectives and four detectives for all investigations, and as well as two to two-man bike patrols. While police leadership has many challenges, the police chief should offer transformational leadership essential to produce cultural changes in the attitudes and beliefs of the line officers. He has to be principled in order to get extraordinary things done in this organization. He should be willing and ready to challenge any process (Kouzes & Posner, 1987. 17-94). Thus, he should take risks, challenge the system, and challenge the way things are done. He should also inspire a shared vision to his subordinates by breathing life into what are the hopes and dreams of others and enable them to see the exciting possibilities that the future holds (Kouzes & Posner, 1987. 17-94). In doing so, the police chief should enlist the support of all those who are necessary to get results, as well as those who will be affected by the results in this case the public at large. Through encouraging collaboration and teamwork makes it possible for the subordinates to do good work (Kouzes & Posner, 1987. 7-94). Envisaging that Metropolis is a diverse and dynamic as any community in the world, it requires continuity and stability in certain basic areas of life, in particular the areas of safety and security. It crucial to note that the key to offering continuous safety and security is to have police department guided by a clear and unwavering philosophy by which to guide the determination of priorities and decisions in policing. The entire Police Department, encompassing every sworn officer as well as civilian member, and all associated City officials, suppliers, vendors, and other stakeholders in its mission, should focus their full on-duty attention to meeting and satisfying the safety and security needs of Metropolis urban city. To achieve this, the community requires both swift police response to crime and disorder, in addition to crime prevention and problem solving utilizing the latest technologies. In so doing both approaches should be utilized with intelligence to achieve a comprehensive networking approach that serves the community in a balanced manner. Thus, the major mission of metropolis Police Department should be to safeguard the lives and property of the people they serve, to decrease the incidence and fear of crime, and to enhance public safety at the same time as working with the diverse communities to improve their quality of life. This should be done with honor and integrity, while at all times conducting themselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain public confidence (Greene et al, 1992. 183-207). Hiring standards Most Police departments in cities face what some call a personnel crisis, with the number of recruits at record lows, an increasing number of experienced officers turn down promotions to sergeant or lieutenant, while many gifted senior officers decline offers to become police chiefs as well as police executive. Recruits pre-employment background should be ascertained before being taken in, in the department. The purpose of a pre-employment background investigation shall be to rapidly, competently as well as fairly to make out those applicants who are unfit for public service or whose prior conduct is contradictory to, or incompatible with, the law enforcement mission. No selection standard of the department shall be in conflict with, or contrary to, the spirit or letter of fair employment laws of the State. However, any applicant who has ever been convicted of any offense declared by law to be a felony in this or any other state shall not be eligible for employment with the department. Same standard shall apply to misdemeanor offenses, save that the applicant should not have been convicted within the past three years of any criminal offense declared by law to be a misdemeanor in this or any other state. The urban center being hard hit with the problem of drugs, a person who is a current user of illegal drugs shall not be eligible for employment with the department. Drugs in this case should be taken to imply the controlled substances in accordance with the state’s provisions. The first step in the selection procedure is recruitment. Having a number of applicants, we must select those that are best fitting for the department. The department must have a number of minimum standards to employ in measuring the applicants. Issues of age, height and weight, physical agility and strength, and education should be taken into account. These applicants should be subjected to background investigations, which comprises of previous drug use. They should take polygraph examination, psychological screening as well as meet medical requirements (Goldsmith 1990, 91-114). In addition to the above, the candidates will be required to take a written examination as well as an oral interview. The last step will be to train them once they have been chosen. The training should take account of programs that include the department’s mission statement in addition to ethical considerations. The training should also be based upon what the officer does in the course of a day. The actual content of the training should include subject areas such as the laws of arrest, patrol techniques, investigations, cultural diversity, and ethics. Upon completing the training, the new recruit police officer will begin his or her field training. This will comprise assignment to a field-training officer who acts as a mentor for him/her. The new officer remains in probation for a certain period before beginning his or her career path. This path may embrace advanced training to stay put with the changes in the law. The officers will be entitled to specialized training to prepare them for specific jobs in the department. Policing philosophy The philosophy of metropolis police department shall be based on the belief that the public deserves an input into policing, and indeed, has a right to it. It will also rest on the vision that in order to find solutions to community problem of growing drug in the neighborhood, the police as well as the public must move beyond a narrow focus on individual crimes or incidents, and instead consider innovative ways of addressing drug issue concerns in general. Bonds of trust between all officers and the community in all aspects need to be established through continued and creative police outreach (Freeman, 1990. 19-109). The net effect will be to build a professional, representative, responsive, and answerable institution that works in affiliation with the public (Goldsmith 1990, 91-114). In an attempt to solve the public’s problem, the department will identify the specific concerns that the Metropolis inhabitants feel are most threatening to their safety and well-being, in this particular case ‘drugs’. This area of concern then shall become priority for joint police-community interventions. The officers and a variety of building members then will outline problem-solving partnerships to develop responses that they can both use to eliminate or minimize the problem (Freeman, 1990. 19-109). Technologies The department should have police cars, upgraded to the specifications required by the force, built to police specifications in the factory. These cars should be modified to encompass adjustments for higher durability, speed, and high mileage driving in addition to long periods of idling at higher temperatures. This is accomplished by heavy-duty suspension, brakes, calibrated speedometer, tires, alternator, transmission and cooling systems. Where possible, slight modifications to the car’s stock engine should be done if not installation of a more powerful engine. These cars are to be employed in patrolling the area round the clock. The department can employ Global-positioning system to track those convicted with drug related offences so as to help deter future recidivism. In addition the police force can make broad use of radio communications equipment, carried both on the person and installed in vehicles, to co-ordinate their work, share information as well as get help quickly (Walker, 2005. 5). Presently, vehicle-installed computers have increased the ability of police communications, enabling easier dispatching of calls in addition to criminal background checks on persons of interest. Metropolis Police Department should have similar technologies in their patrol vehicles.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Im A Fool

The short story entitled I’m a Fool, written in the early nineteen hundreds by Sherwood Anderson is rather interesting to me. Andy is very simple. He is not educated and believes that he is over looked due to his physical appearance. At the start of the story, he seems as if he has a short fuse. He talks about wanting to harm the kid that took the paper job and he also wants to prove himself to the fellow with the cane in the bar because he was dressed nicely. He thinks that education is of no importance in life and disagrees with is mother and sister on this issue. I think that the overall moral of the story is that no matter how hard life is, education is just a piece of the puzzle of life and with out it life can get sticky. At the end of the story he gets involved with a girl he feels strongly about and realizes that being a swipe is nothing to brag about. He decides at this point to lie about his life and for that he feels ashamed. I believe that the overall moral of the story has something to do with the idea that here he decides to give up the swiping and meets a girl that he feels could be the one, but due to his own inability to deal with the pressure of the yaps. He decides to drink some whiskey and uses that as his reason for lying about who he is exactly, as well as, being ashamed of who he is because of what he has done in the past. At the end of the story he said that he explains about how he feels mad, sad, and happy all at the same time due to the situation he has caused just by telling a lie. Now he believes he has lost his chan ce to be with this women. Life now to him is meaningless. I read the story three times and it still confuses me in a sense that, it seems to be choppy from detail to detail. He never really tells you about the man with the cane in the grandstands. Was it the same guy from the bar that he was so rude to? Why does he feel as though there is no other work he can do? I believe he is looking for a... Free Essays on I'm A Fool Free Essays on I'm A Fool The short story entitled I’m a Fool, written in the early nineteen hundreds by Sherwood Anderson is rather interesting to me. Andy is very simple. He is not educated and believes that he is over looked due to his physical appearance. At the start of the story, he seems as if he has a short fuse. He talks about wanting to harm the kid that took the paper job and he also wants to prove himself to the fellow with the cane in the bar because he was dressed nicely. He thinks that education is of no importance in life and disagrees with is mother and sister on this issue. I think that the overall moral of the story is that no matter how hard life is, education is just a piece of the puzzle of life and with out it life can get sticky. At the end of the story he gets involved with a girl he feels strongly about and realizes that being a swipe is nothing to brag about. He decides at this point to lie about his life and for that he feels ashamed. I believe that the overall moral of the story has something to do with the idea that here he decides to give up the swiping and meets a girl that he feels could be the one, but due to his own inability to deal with the pressure of the yaps. He decides to drink some whiskey and uses that as his reason for lying about who he is exactly, as well as, being ashamed of who he is because of what he has done in the past. At the end of the story he said that he explains about how he feels mad, sad, and happy all at the same time due to the situation he has caused just by telling a lie. Now he believes he has lost his chan ce to be with this women. Life now to him is meaningless. I read the story three times and it still confuses me in a sense that, it seems to be choppy from detail to detail. He never really tells you about the man with the cane in the grandstands. Was it the same guy from the bar that he was so rude to? Why does he feel as though there is no other work he can do? I believe he is looking for a... Free Essays on I'm A Fool I’m A Fool In Sherwood Andersons, â€Å"I’m a Fool†, four major incidents seem to take place that brings the story to its conclusion. First the narrator decides to quit his horse racing job because of a promise he made to his mother. The narrator seems to feel almost guilty and obligated to quit because he took a job as a swipe and this could possibly jeopardize his sister Mildred from getting a job as a school teacher which she had been working for so long to get. So he gets a job tending to horses, which he is satisfied with and affords him the opportunity to get some time off each week and to make enough money to even send home. This leads to the second major incidence in the story. The first time the narrator sees Lucy Wesson. Many times throughout the story the narrator speaks of his dislike of the educated people and the behavior of the middle to upper class people who were sitting up in the grandstands looking down on all the lower worker class people. I believe hi s ignorance is really jealously or envy of those who have it better than he does. He proves this by going to the horse race and mingles with those same people with whom he says to dislike. He even goes so far as to buy a ticket and sit in the good seats in the grandstands. This is where he sees Lucy Wesson. This leads to the third major incidence of the story, giving false information to Lucy Wesson. He wants to impress her so much and but is so embarrassed with himself and of how poor his family is, he comes up with an elaborate lie to try and win her over. He goes so far as to say that the horse Ben Ahem is owned by his father and places a bet. This he can’t do himself, for fear of being recognized by one his former fellow workers. He asked Wilbur Wesson, Lucy’s’ brother, to place the bet for him. The story continues with the narrator going with Lucy, Wilbur and Miss Woodbury to Cedar Point were he eats dinner with Lucy and they spend some time al...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Marxist class struggles essays

Marxist class struggles essays The kind of class struggle between the capitalists and the working class described by Marx is without a doubt, still at work in presents of these existing class struggles can be seen everywhere in our society that most, if not all, of us have encountered at one point perhaps without even noticing. As mentioned above, the horrible conditions that arrived as a result of the rise of capitalism during Marxs time may not be present in todays society. People worked long hours in dangerous conditions where there were no forms of protection for those who could not adapt to the modern way of life. The loss of ones job could mean homeless ness or even death. Today, there are various forms of protection such as social security, welfare, and unemployment to shield the less fortunate. These forms of protection, however, do not eliminate the class struggles and the threat of poverty for the lower class. The very concept of a free market economy has actually created an unfreedom in our country. Although I personally have been fortunate enough to be able to escape most s...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Example of Argumentative Essay

Example of Argumentative Essay Example of Argumentative Essay Example of Argumentative Essay There are many topics for argumentative essay writing.   However, it is very easy to get lost in all peculiarities of academic essay writing.   As a result, many students end up copying free argumentative essays from the Internet.   What is the result?   They get an F because a teacher easily locates the source of copied essay.   Below is a good example of argumentative essay posted here with the sole purpose to assist you with writing.   Use it a source for ideas.   If you need individual help with writing argumentative essay, you should order customized essay writing service. Our argumentative essay writing services are inexpensive and you will definitely be satisfied with the quality writing. By the way, has a popular blog on writing with wealth of free samples and examples of essays on virtually any topic. Free Example of Argumentative Essay Rationalization theory is a powerful tool in putting long-range historical processes into perspective. The overriding ethos of industrial society-a cost-accounting mentality and the urge to build and control institutionshelps explain both the ethos of urban revivalism and the ethos of religious television. The ethos of both reflects the historical periods in which they developed. The ethos of revivalism and its use of appropriate means fits into an era dominated by industrial capitalism; the ethos of religious television and the notion of God's technology fits neatly into the postindustrial era, in which technology will "solve" all our social problems. As part of the business and entrepreneurial tradition, televangelists are businessmen for the Lord. They are eager to seize available opportunities to sell the gospel through mass communications. They pursue their goals of winning souls and building teleministries without hesitation, never questioning the appropriateness of using telev ision to do so. Neither are they encumbered by denominational deliberations. Rather, their concern is how to use television effectively. Schooled in pragmatism, televangelists know how to reach the individual Christian, offering hope and love to ameliorate fear and anxiety and, perhaps more importantly, offering membership into their television communities as a means of acknowledging the viewers' importance to them. In addition to the use of any appropriate means to win souls, members of the electric church value the dynamics of a free-market economy in modern life, including competition for religious beliefs. They believe that the free market will recalibrate the economic system and the religious system and, because of this strongly held mindset, they claim to oppose federal government regulation and intervention. Despite their rejection of Darwinism, they equate successful competition with worthiness and confidently compete with other religious groups and organizations. One way they compete is by reaching out to those evangelicals who are nonaffiliated or disenchanted with their congregations. Another is by competing for the same, already established audience, as illustrated by Oral Roberts fighting to maintain his top-ranked position but losing to Jimmy Swaggart, or the fortunes of Rex Humbard and James Robison waning, but those of Pat Robertson and Jim Bakker rising. Several related phenomena appear during such competition. First, the teleministries act like other institutions in similar situations. They try new program techniques. They hire new technical-professional staff. They contrive events to get their names in the papers and on television. They diversify their business activities by offering hotel facilities, special tours of their studios, schools for the children of viewers, and, in one case, a theme park. In short, they engage in the business of staying in business, and, in the process, lose their uniqueness and mystery. Argumentative Essay Writing Service Once again, I do not recommend copying the above example of argumentative essay.   If the topic cover in the example does not really suit your requirements or topic, you have an opportunity to request professional essay writing help at our site.   We are open 24/7 and we do not ignore your requests.   All students are helped. Our writing services are affordable and 100% confidential.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Features of Sony Reader PRS T2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Features of Sony Reader PRS T2 - Essay Example In going over the specific features of the matte black model of Sony Reader PRS-T2, one can say that the said e-reader is a must-buy item for readers due to its considerable benefits, regardless of its disadvantages. Primarily, Sony E-Reader’s most noticeable features are its design and dimension, display, and performance. Although the reader does not hold a considerable competitive, price advantage over its competitors, the reader may also be considered sufficient enough in addressing customer’s standards on performance. In terms of design, the reader features a 6.87† tall by 4.37 wide dimensions; it is also .37† thick, which is considered lightweight compared to other E-readers (Van Camp, 2012). With its thin design, the reader only weighs 5.9 oz, which is quite portable and light. Further, the reader is rubberized, and it sports a large chin-area that allows readers to hold the device from the lower part. Aside from this, the reader’s display and performance also play a vital factor in determining its overall appeal and usefulness to readers. Specifically, the E Ink display type and 6† screen size give readers a larger reader interface. Sony Readerâ€℠¢s battery also lasts to at least 2 months, if the Wi-Fi connectivity is turned on, while 6 weeks if the Wi-Fi technology is turned off. The most noticeable advantage of Sony E-Reader is its lightweight and attractive design, connectivity features, and features. For instance, with its light and slim design, the reader easily fits the hand while it is also more portable. The reader also features five physical buttons below the screen, which are not available in Kindle’s Paper White model. With this feature reader are better able to toggle from page to page singlehandedly; other e-readers do not have this feature, regardless of the fact that customer also prefers to have physical page-turn buttons. Aside from this, Sony Reader’s connectivity features allow readers to connect to social networks, such as Evernote and Facebook, allowing them to post and share their thoughts.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Understanding the Impact of the Three Strikes Laws to Offenders and to Essay

Understanding the Impact of the Three Strikes Laws to Offenders and to Law Enforcement - Essay Example Since the court can impose a very high penalty when the offender is convicted for the third time, most offenders would be more careful not commit another offense, especially after the second strike. Over the years, different states across the country have adopted the three strike laws. At present, the following states implement this law Washington, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana, Kansas, Nevada, North Dakota, Arkansas, Georgia, Maryland, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin, Florida, Tennessee and Virginia (White, 2006). The effects of the three strikes laws and their implementation vary from state to state. Some states require that all three crimes committed should be violent crimes while others apply the three strike laws if the two previous crimes committed by the person is either serious or violent or both (White, 2006). For instance, in the state of California, if a person has been convicted three times, that person may be given the mandatory 25-to-life sentence (Zimring, et. al., 2001). The harsh punishments given to habitual criminals helped cut the crime rates especially in the state of Califo rnia (Reynolds, 2004). Although the enactment of the three strikes laws provides strong deterrent to committing crimes, these laws also have weaknesses and these weaknesses often create problems in the implementation of the laws. According to critics, a large number of repeat offenders actually slip from the law without being charged so they may not be subjected to the three strikes law (White, 2006). Critics of these laws believe that the application of one-size-fits-all sentence to repeat offenders is unfair and unreasonably harsh (Reynolds, 2004).  

Networking researh paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Networking researh paper - Essay Example Other requirements include wireless networking adapter or a PC card adapter, a modem and a network hub. In case of wide-ranging wireless networking, it is always wise to use an HP Network Assistant â€Å"to validate your wired and wireless network settings† (Hewlett-Packard Development Company). Wireless networks are based on IEEE 802.11 standards which is a set of standards developed by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) to carry out WLAN technology with specifications or protocols like 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n having frequency bandwidth of 2.4, 3.6 and 5 GHz. Setting up a Wireless Network at Home Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) allow a user to connect to a local area network through wireless networking, like a small network in a house or an office. The user does not have to waste time in adjusting wires, cables and plugs. He can take the system he is working on anywhere he wants inside the house or inside the range of access points. Thus, setting up a WLAN saves time and money wasted on setting up cables. Computers inside WLAN can be networked together through simple configuration without the need of having them connected through wires. How to Set Up? It is important to have respective service packs installed in our PCs. â€Å"A service pack is a collection of updates and fixes† that should accompany with the operating system (Fisher 2010). If we have Windows Vista operating system, then we must install Windows Vista Service Pack 1. Similarly, for Windows XP, we should install Windows XP Service Pack 3. The main purpose of service packs is that they save us from security breaches like network intrusion, viruses, Trojan horses, and etcetera. Equipment Required One should go for the wireless equipment that supports 802.11g because the performance is high with this protocol. Such equipment is also called Wi-Fi which confirms that the equipment belongs to the 802.11 family. Since all current high speed wireless n etworks are using IEEE standards, especially 802.11g, the term Wi-Fi is used to distinguish wireless networks from other traditional wired networks. We would first need a broadband internet connection which is a high speed connection, very fast as compared to a dial-up connection using a telephone line. Then, we need a modem. For a wireless network, a cable modem is recommended which is a device that enables high speed internet connectivity. Afterwards, we would need a wireless router, that is, a device that will facilitate the flow of data traffic between all the PCs that are to be networked together. Fourth, we will need to know if we are already having a built-in wireless network adapter in or PC or not. Most laptops today have built-in wireless network adaptors which save one from buying an external adapter. If we do not have this, they we will need to buy adapters for all the computers we want to be networked together. If we have laptops, we should buy PC card-based adapters an d in case we have desktops, we should buy USB adapters. It would be wiser to go for the network adapter that is manufactured by the same vendor that manufactured the router. Procedure We should have the cable modem and the router hooked up to the wall. The modem is to be connected to the broadband internet

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Bullying - Essay Example It is agreeable that bullying is practiced mainly in schools and over the internet and this form of harassment comes with adverse negative impact on the youths among other victims. However, the author has stated that the problem can be effectively controlled through several measures. Notably, this article is not only educational and exciting, but also comprehensive. For instance, it has discussed different forms of bullying, their causes and effects. Most of the articles addressing issues on bullying have always failed to discuss how bullying has affected students. The assertions in the article concerning bullying have also been comprehensively substantiated using clear examples. The claim that school bullying has led to enormous number of suicide incidences in United States has been substantiated by using the case of Phoebe Prince, who committed suicide as a result of school bullying. To validate the assumption that cyberbullying can lead to serious psychological and mental problems, the article has provided an example of the death of a thirteen-year-old Megan Meier that came because of a serious psychological problem. Moreover, the arguments involve more than one principle. The opinions in the article are convincing because they are explicit, logical and have been presented using a plain language. Reading through the article, there are no technical words that can cause problems to the readers. The use of technical words always affects the readability and understanding of the main ideas being presented. The clarity of the first paragraph clearly brings the message that the article is about bullying. Arguably, with the use of complex words, it would not be easy for the readers to understand the main arguments by going through the first paragraph. The article is explicit because the readers can easily recognize the

Research Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment - Research Paper Example Colonel William Tavington (Jason Isaacs) shoots and kills Benjamin’s son, Thomas (Gregory Smith), who tries to save his brother, Gabriel, from being taken by the British redcoats. Afterwards, the British Army burns Benjamin’s house to the ground. The essay compares the characters, settings, and themes of these works. It focuses on Anne Bradstreet and Benjamin Martin as the main characters, mentioning their first names to avoid confusion with other Bradstreets and Martins. The film and poem are the same in showcasing the strength that comes from love of God and family in a setting where traditional values of freedom and independence clash with social conflicts and where these works support the theme that those that truly matter in life can never be burned down. The characters are the same because they remain religious and strong-spirited despite experiencing numerous hardships that include the burning of their houses. Anne Bradstreet went to America with her husband in 1630. During this time, Anne experienced hardships in their journey, and even more as they began a new life in the New World (Reuben). These hardships included her failing health, malnutrition, New World diseases, and the battles with Native Americans (Reuben). When Bradstreet’s house got burned, her family was settling down well already, only to go through another ordeal of losing their home. Even with this problem, Anne shows devotion as a Christian. She believes that the house is not even hers to begin with: â€Å"I blest His name that gave and took† (Bradstreet line 14). She loses her life’s work with the house, but she remains steadfast in her faith in God’s will. Anne has the strength of a good Christian whose faith never waivers. The same strength of character goes for Benjamin as a family man and a Christian. His wife just died and he has seven children, the eldest only 18 years old. He lives during the onset of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Bullying - Essay Example It is agreeable that bullying is practiced mainly in schools and over the internet and this form of harassment comes with adverse negative impact on the youths among other victims. However, the author has stated that the problem can be effectively controlled through several measures. Notably, this article is not only educational and exciting, but also comprehensive. For instance, it has discussed different forms of bullying, their causes and effects. Most of the articles addressing issues on bullying have always failed to discuss how bullying has affected students. The assertions in the article concerning bullying have also been comprehensively substantiated using clear examples. The claim that school bullying has led to enormous number of suicide incidences in United States has been substantiated by using the case of Phoebe Prince, who committed suicide as a result of school bullying. To validate the assumption that cyberbullying can lead to serious psychological and mental problems, the article has provided an example of the death of a thirteen-year-old Megan Meier that came because of a serious psychological problem. Moreover, the arguments involve more than one principle. The opinions in the article are convincing because they are explicit, logical and have been presented using a plain language. Reading through the article, there are no technical words that can cause problems to the readers. The use of technical words always affects the readability and understanding of the main ideas being presented. The clarity of the first paragraph clearly brings the message that the article is about bullying. Arguably, with the use of complex words, it would not be easy for the readers to understand the main arguments by going through the first paragraph. The article is explicit because the readers can easily recognize the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 8

Auditing - Essay Example Auditing is the process that involves the assessment of the financial statement of a company to verify whether the contents of such statements comply with the required framework. Auditors are charged with the task of ensuring that the financial statement of the company contains all the information considered as material. In a nutshell, the auditors check whether the content of the financial statement is free of fraud, errors or omission of material information. On that note, an audit risk is the possibility that the auditor will not detect any error, fraud or misstatement of material information when reviewing the financial statement (Thompson & Ward 1993, pp. 2-9). Based on the auditor’s opinions, it is fair to conclude that the financial statements of Mobile Streams PLC present a true and fair financial position. That is; they are free from errors, fraud or material misstatements. However, the auditors should pay more attention to the following three areas of heightened audit risks: foreign currency translation, share-based compensation, and financial income. Based on the financial statement, the company’s foreign currency loss is  £ 1,347. The Foreign currency loss is encountered if the previous spot rate when selling the local currency is higher than the current spot rate when buying the local currency (Annual report: Mobile Streams PLC 2014, pp. 8 & 15). Close to 99% of the company’s revenues are generated outside the United Kingdom. Therefore, a larger part of the company’s operation is exposed to foreign currency risk. Fortunately, there are strategies used to lessen the exposure. However, Mobile Streams PLC does not use any to reduce the risk. The company relies on the prevailing spot rate for transaction purposes. The exchange rates constantly fluctuate. The company could manipulate the exchange rate to reduce the amount of taxable income. Assume that the loss on foreign currency was  £ 690

Public life Essay Example for Free

Public life Essay Early Years When Brown and his family moved to New York, he learned that the pro-slavery forces in Kansas were confrontational. Brown left for Kansas after learning that the families of his adult sons were completely unprotected from any possible attack. He collected funds and weapons along the way and even held an anti-slavery convention in Albany. Despite the stir because of his support for unrest to liberate, Brown still managed to get financial support. He gathered more anti-slavery forces in Ohio. Brown and his forces were going to stop at nothing to stop the pro-slavery actions in Kansas. He believed that the pro-slavery forces, or the Border Ruffians, will eventually become violent themselves. He used this as justification for his disregard for the law. Brown was angered by the violence displayed by the Border Ruffians, and also the political manipulations happening to quell the northern abolitionist movement. Brown learned that his family was to be attacked next by the Border Ruffians and the pro-slavery neighbours squealed about the support that his family was giving him. In May 1856, five pro-slavery settlers were killed by Brown’s men. They were taken from their homes and slashed to death by swords. According to Brown, he did approve of the murder, but he never participated in it. Two of Brown’s sons were captured by Henry Pate, a pro-slavery captain. But Pate was soon captured with twenty-two men. Pate was forced to sign a treaty that exchanges their freedom with the freedom of his two sons. Pate was released, but his sons’ release was to be postponed till September. Pro-slavery forces from Missouri came to Kansas under the command of Major General John Reid. They headed towards Osawatomie, Kansas, determined to crush the abolitionist forces there. Some of Reid’s men killed one of Brown’s sons in the morning of August 30, 1956. Brown was clearly outnumbered by Reid’s pro-slavery forces, but they still defended their posts. They managed to wound 40 and kill 20 of the Reid’s men. Reid ordered his men to retreat into the forest, and Brown’s men managed to capture four of Reid’s men. This display of bravery in that situation that clearly went against him was viewed as an act of heroism by Northern abolitionist forces. Brown was then known by the nickname, Osawatomie Brown. A month later, Brown met Free State leaders in Lawrence to help plan for a possible assault by the pro-slavery forces. Pro-slavery forces from Missouri were engaging attacks in Kansas. Battles ensued, though large damages were nipped in the bud when Kansas governor John Geary called for disarmament and offered clemency to soldiers of both sides. Brown fled from Kansas with his sons to gather more funds and support from the north. Brown travelled eastward to collect more funds. In his travels, he met with many prominent abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and Gerrit Smith. Some of the wealthy abolitionists he met agreed to provide Brown with funds. This group of financers become known as the â€Å"Secret Six†. How much of Brown’s plans the Secret Six knew still remains a mystery until today as these men were just there to fund Brown with â€Å"no questions asked. † On January of the following year, Brown received pledges of weapons from different abolitionist organizations and individuals. He travelled more and continued to look for funding. He received help in forms of numerous pledges but little of these pledges were translated to cash. Brown met with Hugh Forbes in New York in March. He hired Forbes to be the tactician and drillmaster of his army. Both met in Tabor and formulated a plan for their anti-slavery crusade in the south with them disagreeing with some of the details of the plan. They left for Kansas six months later without Forbes receiving his salary. He decided to leave for the east instead of going with Brown to Kansas. Brown travelled to Ontario to attend a Constitutional Convention. Chatham, Ontario’s population were mostly dominated by slave fugitives. It was here that Brown’s provisional constitution was adopted. Brown was elected as the commander-in-chief and Elder Monroe, an African man was elected as minister, and shall act as president until a new one was elected. Many of the delegates signed the Constitution, but only a few joined Brown’s forces. Many intended to join but Forbes attempted to reveal the plans to Henry Wilson, a Massachusetts senator. Many of the members of Brown’s inner circle felt fear that their names will go revealed to the public. The members of the Secret Six were divided. Some of them wanted Brown to execute his plans rapidly, while some insisted for postponement. To derail Forbes’ knowledge of his plan, Brown returned to Kansas and remained there for 6 months. He joined forces with James Montogomery, the leader of the raids in Missouri. Brown led his own attacks, managing to set 11 slaves free. He took the liberated man with him to Detroit and to Canada. He went from city to city to collect more support. He reconnected with the Secret Six, visited his family and departed for Harpers Ferry. Upon arrival in Harpers Ferry, he rented a farmhouse nearby for his new recruits. He never received the number of recruits he expected to come to support him. He revealed the plan to some of his supporters and some of them expressed their worry and qualms about the plan. One of them, Douglass, already knew of Brown’s plan since 1859 and has tried numerous attempts to avert the enlistment of blacks in Brown’s army. Some of the weapons fit for a thousand men arrived late September, but Brown only had 21 men. A month later, Brown led 19 of his men to attack the armory of Harpers Ferry. He planned to distribute the weapons here to arm the slaves in the locality. He would then lead these men to the south to liberate more slaves. His plan was to free the slaves of Virginia to maim the institution and kill off the life-line that kept the economy alive in the south. They easily entered the town and they captured the armory with no resistance. They also spread the news to the local slaves they were going to be freed soon. Things went awry when a passenger train arrived in town. One of the train staff warned the passengers about Brown’s men. Brown ordered him to halt then, but seeing that his warning was not heeded, shot him openly. News of the raid reached Washington by late morning. Brown’s men were held inside the armory by the angry residents of the town. Military men sealed off the bridge, the only escape route available. Brown moved inside the armory and had the doors and windows blocked. The soldiers and townspeople outside prevented the exit of anyone inside the armory, and sometimes, Brown’s men would shoot at the people outside. Brown sent out his son, Watson, and one of his men under the bearing of a white flag and yet the men outside shot them. Exchanges of shots were fired, and Oliver, another of Brown’s sons were wounded and killed. On October 18, John Brown’s fort was surrounded by the military. They were encouraged to surrender, but Brown refused, saying that he would rather die there. The military men then broke the doors and walls of the armory down and captured the men inside. Brown was charged with murder of 5 men, instigation of a rebellion among the slaves and treason against the state of Virginia. The court found him to be guilty on all three counts on November 2. He was sentenced to be publicly hanged a month later. On November 2, after a week-long trial and 45 minutes of deliberation, the Charles town jury found Brown guilty on all three counts. Brown was sentenced to be hanged in public on December 2. Before he died, he wrote, I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done. METHODOLOGY The results of this study were obtained via data collection from documents from the internet, several books and journals. Data analysis of the information was performed and some personal opinions of the author were also injected into the analysis of the data gathered.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ken Yeang | Architect Case Study

Ken Yeang | Architect Case Study Introduction Most of today many architect had design many green building because the design of the built environment on human health with to reduce to the overall impact and the environment have an efficiently using energy, water and other resources. After that, it also reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation and the last is protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity. Green building practices aim to reduce the environmental impact of building. The first rule is that the greenest building is the building that doesn’t get build, the second rule is that every building should be as small as possible and the last rule is not to contribute to sprawl, even if the most energy efficient, environmentally sound methods are used in the design and construction. Figure 1.1 Dr. Ken Yeang Ken Yeang is a famous green architect. He is a Malaysian architect, born in 1948. He also is an ecologist and author known for his signature ecological green architecture and masterplans, differentiated by an environmentally authentic ecology-based approach. According to the book â€Å"A Manual For Ecological Design† that had been written by Dr. Ken Yeang had said that his aim is to produce or design and maintain ecosystems like structures design of the buildings and the systems with integrate benignly and natural environment but in the relation to global biosphere process, he had built the building with a form and systems function with sensitivity to the locality’s ecology, and contribute positively to biodiversity. The goal is using a low ecological consequence to built it, structures and systems to low consumers of non-renewable resources. After that, the design is to facilitate disassembly, recycling and can be reintegrated back to the natural environment. His philo sophy is regionalists do not see themselves as looking for a specific national identity but merely building a passive design shelter in response to the local climate. Background Figure 2.1 Menara Meseniaga in Subang Jaya The headquarters IBM in Subang Jaya near the Kuala Lumpur, there have a green building that is Menara Mesiniaga. Menara Mesiniaga had been completed build in 1992 and the first conceived was in 1989 by Dr. Ken Yeang.Dr. Ken Yeang and T.R Hamzah had designed a building which have a high tech corporate showcase for highly visible and technology industry. Dr. Ken Yeang had designed this building, Menara Mesiniaga as an example of his design of the green building and using his principles and his knowledge of bioclimatic skcraper. The building, Menara Mesiniaga is an analogy for analysis and synthesis, Menara Mesiniaga also is an environmental filter’s building. Menara Mesiniaga had been builder with a basis Malaysian building and it evolution to a modern style building by using his principle. It is Ken Yeang’s vision of the tropical garden city and it uncovers the relationship of building, landscape and climate. The main idea and concepts for this building is using the sky gardens that serve as villages, spiralling vertical landscape, recessed and shaded windows on the east and west, curtain wall glazing on the north and south, single core service on hot side-east, naturally ventilated and sunlit toilets, stair ways and lift lobbies and spiral balconies on the exterior walls with full height sliding doors to interior offices. Menara Mesiniaga is a modern architecture and modern architecture has few characteristic. The characteristic of the modern style is the design using a visual emphasis on the vertical and horizontal line and especially in International Style modernism. After that, they also using a industrially to produce material like glass, stainless steel and so on. They also using the material with natural material and to be seen rather than concealed or altered to represent something to the design. The design has a visual expression of the structure like they had design the building by hiding the structure element. After that, they also clarity and simplicity of the forms and elimination when they built the building. Analysis In Malaysia, the characteristic of the architectural had been combines the vernacular with the experimental and modernist, but in general is mostly contemporary design and in local architecture, Menara Mesiniaga also is one of the contemporary buildings. During the post war period, European influence was followed by a Malaysian period, and the characteristic of the high rise buildings with high plot ratios. High tech building is the most recent and significant in Malaysia. Ken Yeang designed Menara Mesiniaga as an example of his bioclimatic skyscraper practices and principles. Climatically Malaysia is a hot and humid country and the Kuala Lumpur is about 3 degrees North of the equator. Rainfall is is heavier along the East coast than the West coast. West coast and consequently, so is most of the population. The country has no distinct winter or summer. Figure 3.1 Menara Mesiniaga Materials and technology The materials that had been use for the structural system of Menara Mesiniaga are reinforced concrete, with a steel structure used for the mezzanine and balconies. The function of using reinforced concrete is because the reinforcing schemes are generally designed to resist tensile stresses in particular regions o the concrete that might cause unacceptable cracking or structural failure. The foundation is using the bore concrete piles and the principal structural members are reinforced concrete and a structural frame uses steel outriggers. The infill is using the brickwork for internal fire protected areas. After that, the glazed panels for the external fire cladding and gypsum board for internal partitioning. The imported aluminum composite panels for cladding with local spraytile finish to other masory areas. The floor was imported granite in the lobby with homogeneous local tiles for the poolside, toilet and roof terraces and the imported carpet and tiles for the office areas and l ift lobbies. Besides that, the ceiling also had imported the mineral fibre board for office areas and lift lobbies and the fibrous plaster and gypsum board for ground floor reception, auditorium and exhibition space. The roofing had imported metal deck roofing for the sky gymnasium and the local tiles on a reinforced concrete slab on the roof terraces and also painted mild steel outrigger for the roof structure and mezzanine. 3.2 principles of bioclimatic design Α. Improvement or regulation of environmental conditions (microclimate improvement) The improvement and adjustment of environmental conditions occurring on the construction of the building is succeeded with the overall strategic planning of the building in order to make the best use of the sun, the prevailing winds, the ambient temperature and humidity. B. Exploitation of solar energy The exploitation of solar energy is achieved by the proper design of the building envelope (to maximize the absorption of solar energy during winter and minimize it during summer), the proper orientation of spaces and especially of openings (the southern orientation is the most appropriate), the proper sizing of the openings, a layout of the interior spaces based on thermal requirements and the adoption of the appropriate passive applications that collect sunlight and can be considered as natural heating systems. C. Thermal protection of buildings and protection through shading The thermal protection of a building is mainly achieved by the appropriate design of the openings to prevent the escape of heat, the proper insulation of the building envelope and the proper arrangement of internal spaces (rooms used more frequently are placed in the south to avoid the cold north). With the protection of shading the major goal is to protect the building from overheating during summer with by strategically placing internal or external, vertical and horizontal blinds. D. Systems and passive cooling techniques It refers to the building’s microclimate control, its shading and to the minimization of thermal loads during the warm summer months through openings and the shading of opaque envelope components. E. Natural lighting Natural lighting refers to the exploitation of direct and indirect light in order to ensure adequate comfort conditions, even light distribution in the interior during all seasons depending on the building type. F. Acoustic protection The acoustic protection of a building is achieved through the proper planning building orientation in order for the building to be protected from noise (constant or arbitrary). Bioclimatic design strategies are effective for â€Å"envelope dominated† structures, to provide a large portion if not all of the energy required to maintain comfort conditions. The â€Å"internal load dominated† buildings is like the commercial kitchens, hospitals, windowless stores and offices. The lights, heat of occupancy and equipment are the experience high internal gains imposed. After that, the external climatic conditions complex influence on achieving comfort and low energy utilization. The available day lighting benefit to all the buildings can relate heating and cooling impacts and means of control are essential. The resources of bioclimatic design are the natural flows of energy in and round a building and it created by the interaction of sun, wind, preciption, vegetation, temperature and humidity in the air and in the ground. In some instances, this ambient energy is useful immediately or stored for later use and in other case. Ken Yeang was designed Menara Mesiniaga with some objectives: the building has a good view has a green area and had created a sky garden receiving the natural sunlight to decrease using the light good control of air movement and the fresh air interaction with shadow, nature and sunlight using the function of bio climitic surrounding had been designed with less noise and distraction have a good cooling and heating and also good adjustable temperature relaxation of the provision at interior and exterior area 3.3 COMPARE AND CONTRAST One of the famous green building that is London’s Gherkin Tower and the building was designed by Norman Foster. The plants that plating at the London’s Gherkin Tower mostly is a mixture of grasses and lichens and also are expexted to envelope the facade and grow out of the panel. After that, the function of the panel is soaking up of the water and through its specialized membranes and make sure that the plants have absorb enough of water and growth up nicely. They have many type of the panel like they are using recycling materials, reduce water consumption and make sure that didn’t wasted in the interior space they have a reduction of toxicity and using the sunlight to increase the internal day lighting and thermal insulation, for the entire building have a energy generation. The design of the planting is very different with the London’s Gherkin Tower if the building compare with Menara Mesiniaga. The design of the Menara Mesiniaga is not using the techniq ue of soaking to the building, it only plant it at outside of building. The design of the building is use the natural ventilation to reduce energy consumption and the building has a smart control system and low faà §ade heat gain.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Two Sagas of the Epic of Gilgamesh :: Epic Gilgamesh essays

The Two Sagas of Gilgamesh Western literature has few epics of any real greatness: readers can probably name most of them and count them on their hands with a few fingers left over. Of these, The Epic of Gilgamesh is by far the oldest. The standard version of the epic grandfathers Homer's Iliad and Odyssey by centuries. But what does it mean to call Gilgamesh an epic? By the standards of Homer's outline of an epic, Gilgamesh's tale could be seen as two distinctly different, yet drawn together sagas. "There is a hero of great national or even universal importance in a vast canvas, a setting that may be the whole world or larger." In the beginning we are introduced to our hero as not only the great king of Uruk, son of the goddess Ninsun and the great king, Lugalbanda, but also a great tyrant who became a hero. From the beginning of his story this man is destined for a fantastic journey that spans the worlds beyond what any of his peasants can dream to see. We are told that he is more godly than not, yet still must suffer the same fate as all mortals. With destiny set against his mortal, or physical life Gilgamesh must take the journey to the great cedar forest of Lebanon where he will prove his superior strength (and favor from the gods) to the world. "The plot involves battles involving superhuman deeds or a long, difficult journey while gods or other supernatural beings are interested and involved." Gilgamesh does encounter all of these things. Not once, but twice. In the first part of this tale he battles Humbaba, the feared giant who protects the trees of the cedar forest. Alongside him is his trusted friend, Enkido. Enkido was made by the gods, an equal of Gilgamesh which they planted in the wild as a man to grow strong in the wild of the animals. It is after Enkido has become Gilgamesh's friend that he complains of feeling weak from civilization, and gives Gilgamesh the idea of conquering something great to reclaim his strength and perpetuate their names. In this task they are also helped by Shamash; the god responsible for the cedar forest because he takes pity on Gilgamesh's mortality. Yet his story does not end at the defeat of Humbaba. Nor does it stop at the return of the mighty king of Uruk.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Industrial Revolution :: History

Industrial Revolution Why was there an industrial revolution in Britain? There have been many changes in both Britain and the Worlds History, such as the Industrial Revolution? This Revolution I talk about today, started way back, 250 years ago. From this stage, the mid 18th century, to the early 20th. Some effects of the revolution where bad, but many on the other hand were very good and have changed the way the world works for the better. I am now going to go through each of the causes of the revolution, then I shall state which cause I think what the trigger cause , which started of the revolution. Rise in Population The big rise in population meant that everything had to be increased. More houses needed to be built which caused some cities to become overcrowded, but help the industry, because there was more workers to be employed in factorys and other work places. This cause was a long term cause, because over a long period of time, more babies where being produced, and more people were moving in from other countries. The population also increased because less people where dying at a young age, the reasons why people lived longer was because there was cleaner water which meant people were not drinking dirty and contaminated water which would make them sick, better diets: people where getting more meat and vegetables because the farming was improving. The medical skill had improved, so when people where sick they could go and visit there local G.P and would be given treatment and would not get sick and wouldn’t die, so population increased. The Transport revolution The transport revolution occurred, because roads where in very bad condition, they where full of holes, which made them hard to drive over with carriages and horses. The holes filled up with mud and water which was hard to clean, each local parish was suppose to maintain the roads, but as most people didn’t drive, it was pointless to go to great extent to keep the roads in a good condition. To change the roads, a decision was made, where tolls and turn pikes would be situated along roads, cars would drive past, and pay a fee of money to pay for maintenance of the road, this money helped to re-surface the roads and keep them in good condition. The money also paid to build new roads, which meant businesses could transport goods along roads easier.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Automobile and Swot Analysis Essay

1. Introduction This report is based on the company Mercedes Benz, and the chosen country is Singapore. The purpose of the report is to conduct an environmental and marketing analysis of Mercedes Benz in Singapore. Firstly, this report will state the company background. Next, it will state the country background. Thirdly, it will state the SWOT analysis. Fourthly, it will state the PEST analysis. After that, it will state the marketing strategy, new product development, and lastly the conclusion. Company background Mercedes-Benz is a German car company, some sort of multinational department from the German company Daimler AG. The company is used intended for high-class motor vehicles, buses, motor coachs, as well as vehicles. The particular brand made an appearance in 1926 within Daimler-Benz yet history the sources to Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft’s 1901 Mercedes and to Karl Benz’s 1886 Benz Patent Motorwagen, which is commonly viewed as the first car. Mercedes-Benz’s slogan is â€Å"Das Beste oder nichts† (English: â€Å"The best or nothing†). Mercedes-Benz is just about the most commonly known as well as set up car makes in the world, which is on the list of the world’s oldest car company nevertheless around the world today in 2014,possessing the first petrol-powered vehicle. Country background Singapore is an affluent island nation, positioned in Southeast Asia within the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. The occupants of Singapore delight in one of the maximum standards associated on earth, with each capita GDP adequate to in which from the top international locations within American The european union. The particular economy would depend intensely upon exports, and the nation houses one of the busiest ports on earth. 2. SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is part of strategic planning. The SWOT analysis helps organizations assess issues within and outside the organization. The SWOT analysis, made up of an assessment of strengths, weaknesses, external opportunities and threats from competition, provides an outline for strategic decision-making Table 1 From the table above it is seen that strong brand value measures that Mercedes is considered as a premium brand, such as BMW, Porsche, Audi and etc. There is no exception that Mercedes will stay in premium segment for a very long time. Almost all the rich and old people prefer this particular car brand. Also, this company has an advantage over their competitors as increasing production hybrid cars because of environmental friendly and Ð µÃ'€Ã'Æ' exact number of miles driven. To produce high quality cars and hire well – educated employees makes production expensive. That is why Mercedes is interested in upper class people who are able to buy such a car. It makes the brand attractive investment for people with high income (upper class). PEST analysis Originally known as PEST Analysis, this is a macro environmental framework used to understand the impact of the external factors on the organization and is used as strategic analytical technique. Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats Strong brand value High price cost Fast – growing company Government policy Leader in innovation Expensive service New products and services Increasing in competition High level safety of cars High fuel consumption Developing hybrid cars Decrease in demand Investment. Stereotype that this car is for the rich people Fuel price rises Rising price of raw material High quality It is hard to find manual transmission in such a car Positive attitude towards â€Å"green† vehicles Unexpected problems A PEST analysis is looks at how those external factors can affect a business’s activities and performance, and it can be used in combination with other tools. It helps to determine an organization’s overall outlook for success. Political Economic Socio – Cultural Technological Bureaucratic Interest rates Fast – growing society Modern technology Stable government law system High income level Diversity of cultures WI-FI zones Taxation system. High power of the local currency Variety of language cultures Automation of work Law level of corruption Low level of economic freedom (-2) Most of the people are in advanced age Production of high quality medical equipment Foreigners investment Trade freedom Prevalence of upper class Investment in technology Table 2 From the table above let us take 3 characteristics for discussion. Firstly, high income of Singapore measures that Mercedes – Benz is one of the most suitable brands for upper class. It is considered, that Mercedes – Benz is a car which is suitable for old population, especially for men. Therefore, this car brand has a priority to take Singapore as a sales leader in the adult audience because of the prevalence of old population. Diversity of cultures of the populations shows that every single nation has different understanding of car design. That is why this brand can offers cars such as â€Å"family car† like Sedan (C – class) to â€Å"celebrity car† as Crossovers (G – class) with the newest and technology to their customers. 1) Franki Colbert (n. d). Definition of a SWOT Analysis. Retrieved from: http://smallbusiness. chron. com/definition-swot-analysis-43274. html 2) Russ Heaps (n. d) 10 most expensive cars to own and drive. Retrieved from: http://www. bankrate. com/finance/auto/10-most-expensive-cars-to- own-and-drive-1. aspx 3) Chad Brooks (2013, November 22). PEST Analysis: Definition, Examples & Templates. Retrieved from http://www. businessnewsdaily. com/5512-pest-analysis-definition- examples-templates. html 4) Abha Pandey (2011, 26 September). What is PESTLE Analysis? Retrieved from: http://bpmgeek. com/blog/what-pestle-analysis 5) Leading through innovation (n. d/ n. a) http://www. mbusa. com/mercedes/benz/innovation.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Failure of New York State Bill AO 3001

The current New York State administration has proposed a bill, AO 3001, that would give the governor control over scholarships to nursing schools.   On its face, this idea seems to have some merit.   The state faces an overwhelming nursing shortage.   By the year 2010, New York State will have 20% fewer nurses than demanded by the capacity of its health care facilities. This shortage places everyone connected with these facilities at risk, not only patients and their families, but the health care staff as well.   With insufficient nurses available to oversee and to provide adequate care, nurses are forced to work longer shifts or extra shifts during the course of each pay period.   In addition, some care facilities find themselves replacing full-time nursing staff with either part-time or temporary nursing staff, or supplementing the available nursing care provided with nurses’ aides trained to take on lower level nursing tasks. In addition to the lack of available nursing staff, many of those nurses already employed by New York State are nearing retirement age.   With so many of the currently employed nurses and nurse educators nearing the ends of their careers, it is becoming even more imperative to bring new nurses into the system before these men and women leave it.   However, New York State Bill AO 3001 is not the manner in which to bring new nurses into the nursing field. According to its summary, the purpose AO 3001 is to provide scholarship and grant funding to individuals who study to enter the nursing profession.   These funds would be provided based on certain criteria and preferences specified in the bill.   Two of these items are similar to that of other awards, in that they call for evidence of academic merit and for evidence of financial need.   However, among other things, preference is given to individuals who have already obtained experience working in a healthcare setting and the â€Å"highest degree of preference† will be given â€Å"to recipients applying for second or subsequent years of funding† (Title VI, Section 2, subdivision 4-6). While some degree of selectivity must be given when allotting scholarships and grants to students, it is the provision that the Commissioner of Education will select between candidates should the number of candidates exceed the number of awards that causes some concern.   How will these awards be made and to what criteria?   Can we be certain that the criteria being used will be to the best interest of the nursing profession? In addition, the Commissioner can also decide where to assign the nurses who accept this funding.   According to Title VI, Section 2, subdivision 7, these nurses must work in a nursing capacity for 18 months or as nurse educators for three semesters at a minimum if they receive these funds, which is a reasonable requirement; however, the nurses must also agree to work in a facility that serves Medicaid beneficiaries or social services client, as well.   It is reasonable to expect nurses, or any scholarship recipient, to perform certain reasonable tasks to fulfill the requirements of a scholarship or grant.   Some teachers, for example, are forgiven their educational debts if they work in certain areas of the country. However, these teachers choose what areas of the country in which they will teach and with which population of students that they will fulfill the requirements of the agreement.   To limit new nurses to working for facilities in which they may not have access to the equipment and to the funds that will enable them to best use and improve upon the skills that they have attained in their education, particularly when this knowledge is fresh in their minds, will simply hurt their futures in the profession. Bringing new nurses into the profession is indeed a major problem facing New York State, as well as other areas of the country.   The true difficulty, however, lies with retention once these students have graduated.   Nurses face schedules that leave them sleep deprived and at risk for injuries.   Nurses are often asked to perform their jobs with substandard equipment or with insufficient funding. In many facilities, nurses still do not receive the respect that their positions as highly trained and educated members of the health care profession demand.   In addition to all of these things, nurses typically receive inadequate pay for the work that they do, even as they attempt to pay back expensive educational loans.   A far better solution to the nursing shortage would seem to be a two-pronged attack.   First, nurses should be paid at the value of their work to ensure that nurses do not leave the field in search of higher paid work.   Second, instead of restrictive scholarships and grants that send nurses to locations decided upon by the Commissioner, a solution similar to that provided for teachers should be offered.   Both solutions would leave the decision of who should be a nurse and where these nurses should practice in the hands of those best qualified to decide: nurses and other members of the health care profession. Reference New York State Assembly.   (2007).   New York State Bill AO 3001.   Retrieved 12 August 2007 from http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A03001

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Financial Reporting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial Reporting - Assignment Example The assets listed in Coca-Cola Company’s balance sheet are classified into two main categories, current and other assets. Current assets are divided into two sections, with the first one being cash and cash equivalents and short term investments (The Coca-Cola Company, 2013). All the other assets that do not make up part of current assets are the long-term assets that are listed individually. In a balance sheet, cash equivalents always appear with cash as the first of current assets. From research, it is noted that cash equivalents are non-cash assets that are highly liquid or can be converted into cash immediately. This means that cash equivalents are assets that can be readily sold or disposed of and converted into cash for immediate use. Just like cash, cash equivalents are usually low risk and return assets, meaning that their face value rarely changes much. From the annual report for The Coca-Cola Company, it can be seen that the total value for the total current liabilit ies for 2012 was $27,821,000,000 while the total value for the total current liabilities for 2011 was $24,283,000,000 (The Coca-Cola Company, 2013). It should be noted that 2012 was the most recent annual reporting period while 2011 was the previous annual reporting period for The Coca-Cola Company. ... The creditors expect to be paid at a future date, so they review the financial statements to see if the company will be able to pay its debts in time. The creditors will look at the balance sheet to determine if the company has enough current assets to pay immediate debts and if the company’s debts can be covered by the assets that it owns. The creditors will also look at the annual reports to assess the liquidity of the company should it need to pay its debts immediately. Conversely, investors are the people who own the company, mostly in the form of shareholding. In any investment, the investors look to earn a return on their investment and get a return for their investment. This means that information contained in the balance sheet and income statements is important to the investors. The investors will look at dividends paid out to determine if they will earn a return on their investment, that is whether they will make a profit by investing in the company. The investors wil l also want to be sure that their original investment is paid back, so they look at the current assets and current liabilities to know if they will get paid the value of their investment. Finally, the employees of the company are assumed to want to work for the company for as long as possible. This means that the employees of the company expect the company to be a going concern, meaning that the company is expected to have sound performance and look to be profitable. To determine this, the employees of the company will look at the financial information presented in the balance sheet and income statements to determine if the company is growing or failing.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

B1- Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

B1- Financial Management - Essay Example If a firm becomes competent to establish this optimal capital structure, then it provides maximum returns to shareholders. In spite of this appeal by Modigliani and Miller, the optimal capital structure has not been found by researchers. This forms the basis of evaluation of the model depicted by Modigliani and Miller (Simerly & Li, 2002). The research paper is based on different arguments related to the approach of Modigliani and Miller with respect to its propositions. Modigliani and Miller have proposed two models in this context where one is with effect of corporate taxes and the other in absence of the corporate taxes. The objective of this paper is to critically evaluate the models and present a critical understanding of the Modigliani and Miller propositions. The paper also deals with the identification of certain critical issues associated with the models and demonstrates the analyses of the issues. The purpose of the paper will be fulfilled by embracing different criticism of the two models and evidences related to their practicability. During the Belgium Tax Reform of 1982, the cost of equity was 13%. The cost of equity was tax deductible at the level of corporate during 1982-1983 for equities that were newly issued. The following consequences of the situation were evaluated that depicted the propositions of MM approach when tax rate was considered: equities were issued in highest quantity during the period 1982-1983 which was more than that during the last 13 years. The Belgian stock market increased by 40% in December 1981. The consequences implies that since expected equity return increases with the amount of borrowing in the presence of corporate taxes, hence people strived towards buying more equity (Rao, 2010). In MM Model of capital structure without taxes, markets are assumed to be perfect that means there are no taxes, no lawyers and no costs of bankruptcy. Now, on condition of market being perfect and efficient, Modigliani

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Historical Development of the Educational System of Tanzania And Essay

The Historical Development of the Educational System of Tanzania And How It Works Today - Essay Example This essay stresses that after the Second World War, the British initiated the capitalist movement in the hope that mass education would stimulate the community development. Literacy provided was only to the extent that farming would increase. Post independence, the situation changed to a great deal, in which Julius Nyerere had a very significant role to play. This essay would examine the changes in the educational system, the contribution of Nyerere, the positive and negative aspects of Swahili, and the importance of English in the Tanzania educational system. This paper makes a conclusion that private investment is necessary to foster a learning environment which would help in imparting both knowledge and technology. Even it is the agricultural sector, advanced technology can help reap the maximum benefits. The education sector has hitherto suffered due to poor resource allocation. External finance would be required to cover the shortfalls that would enable the government to fulfil its goals. The World Bank, the EU, the Netherlands, SIDA, JICA, Ireland Aid, GTZ, Finland, Norway, and CIDA are all contributing to the primary education sub-sector (Riddell). What is required is the recruitment and upgradation of teachers, trained administrative and financial managers to run the school, and empowerment of school committees. Complementary basic education today functions to absorb the absorb the out-of-school, over-age children but its role has to be enhanced.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Politicians, Corruption and the Police Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Politicians, Corruption and the Police - Essay Example Government official misuse their power for their personal benefits. The political corruption is an illegal act which is directly related to official duties. Each & every department of the government is effected with political corruption. These corruptions may include activities like buying-off or bribery, partiality, benefaction, splice, and fraud. Such types of activities or corruptions are different in different countries. Some activities or practice like allocation of funds for some project may be legal for one country and illegal for the other country. Allocations of big project to their relatives are also a big corruption found in government offices. By allocating the big project to their relatives the government officials got benefits. Government official have some percentage in funds allocated to the project. Although this money is treated as black money, still most of the government officials are practicing it. Here we are discussing a case related to the Member of Parliament (MP) in Australia who is involved in prostitution related activities. As we have done the case study, we came to know that the Member of Parliament is involved in prostitution related activity in a regional town in central Queensland. This area is prohibited for prostitution and the persons who are involving in the prostitution in that area are doing illegal practices. The Member of Parliament is looking for prostitutes in the prohibited area. And after providing them with the food, money, he had a safe night sleep with them. Again as per the report Member of Parliament is using his office vehicle to carry women from one place to another. Here Member of Parliament is doing two illegal operations which he should not perform. One is enhancing prostitution in the prohibited area and the use of office vehicle. Though the both types of operations are done by government official these comes under political

Saturday, October 5, 2019

European Union Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

European Union Law - Essay Example The UK, having adopted the Directive, has remained silent on the issue of minimum wage while all other stipulations remain the same. Tom is an employee working as a nurse under a local organization by the name of Hoxon Council. Under his employment conditions, he is working an average of 50 hours per week after opting out of the 48 hours per week condition. His hourly wage is 6 pounds and he is entitled to 5 weeks annual paid leave. The overtime has led to deterioration in the health of Tom and even after filing a complaint with his superiors, he did not receive a positive response. This has led to certain implications for Tom which will be discussed within this paper. This paper would attempt to provide a solution for Tom with reference to the existing laws. Could Tom invoke the Directive against his employer? The Directive allows employees to file an appeal against the employer if the conditions of the Directive have not been met. This is done to aid the employees working within th e UK and to prevent too much power in the hands of the organizations (Hartley, 2007). Tom cannot invoke the Directive against the employer for the overtime that he is working. This is because he has willingly opted out of the 48 hour weekly limit by signing a contract with the organization. Since the Directive allows employees to willingly sign out of the agreement, it will not consider the issue of Tom working for 50 hours a week. But in the case of the minimum hourly wage, Tom can invoke the Directive against the employer. The European Union Law has more power over the national law in the case that lesser rights are provided to individuals. The same case is apparent in this issue. The Employee Rights Act as adopted by UK is silent on the issue of minimum wage. However, the Directive stipulates that the minimum hourly wage should not be less than 8 pounds. Tom is only being paid 6 pounds by his employer which is less than the minimum hourly wage. Thus Tom has the advantage of invok ing the Directive against the employee on the issue of the minimum hourly wage. Also in terms of the minimum annual paid leave, Tom can invoke the Directive against his employer. This is because right now he is getting 5 weeks annual paid leave according to the limit set by the Act but the Directive allows for 6 weeks annual paid leave. Here again the Directive has the power to forgo the Act and thus grant Tom 6 weeks annual paid leave. Since Tom is working overtime in order to make ends meet, the increase in hourly wage would positively impact his working conditions. He would not as a result suffer from the health conditions that he is suffering at this point of time. Would it be advisable for Tom to rely on the indirect effect of the Directive? The indirect effect of the Directive refers to the principle that national laws are under reinterpretation if they are inconsistent with the laws of the European Union. The indirect effect is thus a powerful tool that can be applied in orde r to bring about a change in the national laws to take into account the European Union Law. According to the ECJ ‘national courts are therefore under an obligation to interpret national legislation in accordance with the aims and purposes of the Directive’ (Owen, 2000). In this case, it would be advisable for Tom to rely on the indirect effect of the Directive. This is so because the indirect effect would allow him to file a valid case whereby the Employee Rights

Friday, October 4, 2019

Belmar beach Essay Example for Free

Belmar beach Essay Being from the jersey shore there is many options to choose from, but Belmar beach is the most beautiful and exciting beach. Every time you go to Belmar beach there is always someone new to sit down and have an ice cold drink with. Belmar is also known to have the best over-head waves that look smooth and glossy from the sun reflecting off the water. My favorite place to hangout is at Belmar beach on a hot sweaty day with a cool ocean breeze filled with a lot of variety of people. Belmar beach is always filled with tourist from all over the world, who tend to make the beach look filthy and covered with trash everywhere. However, on its lonely deserted days its impeccability is hard to miss. The sunlight gleaming off the ocean surface onto the lightly shaded grey boardwalk. Having a loud atmosphere as well, it’s hard to say that one won’t get distracted a little with its blissful music surrounding you corner by corner. On the contrary, when in need for a serene soothing place, Belmar can contain one of the most nerve-calming areas such as its Cafes or its nearby vast lake. My favorite days to go to Belmar beach is on a hot peaceful day with huge over-head waves that are smooth to surf. I like to sit in the water looking and listening to the peaceful waves crashing onto the jetti spraying mist in the air. After having a work out in the water from the ferocious waves and powerful currents there are many restaurants to choose from that have amazing scenery of the beach and with food that is ridiculously good. However, you can also get the softest and most delicious mouth melting ice cream right on the boardwalk. Furthermore, Belmar is filled with thrilling and exciting activities to do on the most boring and tiresome days. To begin with, individuals who are into the sport of surfing can be fascinated with its graceful dominate blue waves. For the people who prefer fishing, its resourceful waters contain one of the most beautiful fish in the seas. Now for the more reserved people who like to keep to themselves, quiet and peaceful spots are available. Since any type of environment can be seen inhabiting Belmar, not one type of individual will stand out. Overall, Belmar beach has everything to offer with the beautiful beach, amazing memories, and filled with many exciting activities to do. Going to Belmar beach will keep you occupied the entire day, filling your emotions with joy and excitement. Belmar will also give you amazing views of the ocean’s waves perpetually crashing onto the damped sand. Ultimately, making Belmar the most tranquil and relaxing beach to go to.